If the slide shaft on the Sport is not securely fastened to the t-arm, this assembly is sure to separate in flight causing a crash. Most, including myself are not even aware that this part exists until a problem arises. Below you will see the slide shaft labeled part "A". While not indicated in the instructions, the shaft has very fine male threads that screw into the internal threads of the T-arm, part "B". Even if you apply thread lock to the shaft before assembly, you still take the risk of these parts coming apart as the T-arm has an anodized finish that tends to impair the adhesive abilities of the thread lock.
In order to correct this problem, you must first throughly clean the shaft and t-arm with acetone or denatured alcohol prior to applying the thread lock. Also, be sure whatever cleaning agent you use had dried before you apply the thread lock. Once you have applied the thread lock, care must be taken when tightening the two parts. The head of the slide shaft has flats on the end that can be used to hold it from turning as you tighten. It would be best to use a small wrench for this job or if using pliers, be careful not to crimp the shaft as it is fragile.

I hope this information helps you build a more reliable T-rex 450 Sport followed by many successful flights.
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